This is our story
Fine Arts for Friedreich's Ataxia is a student-created, student-run non-profit organization that originated in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 2015. It all began with a few high schoolers with a passion for theater looking for a way to help a friend with Friedreich's Ataxia, a rare neuro-muscular disorder. Local theater students were gathered to put on a musical theater showcase that has escalated throughout the years. Now, we put on a full musical theater intensive, including hair and makeup, costumes, and choreography. All of our proceeds are donated to the Friedreich's Ataxia Research Aliance to help fund scientific research to discover a cure for FA - we've been lucky enough to donate over $20,000 in the past two years, all thanks to your help. This year, our showcase will be on June 28, 2018 and include a silent auction. For more information on how to be a part of our team, go to our Auditions page.

Meet this year's leadership board
Maddie Paul
Maddie Paul is a senior at Lincoln High School and has been involved with FA4FA since day 1. Maddie developed a passion for theater at only 7 years old - you may have seen her as everything from Tracy in Hairspray to the Blue Fairy in Pinocchio. After graduation this year, she will be attending South Dakota State University to study Political Science, but will never forget all the blessings FA4FA has brought to her life.
Adam Catangui
Adam Catangui is a junior at O'Gorman High School and has quite the history with theater - at only 15 years old, he was called back for a role in The King and I on Broadway. Involved with everything from Student Council to Show Choir and a four-year All-State Member (alongside Jamie), his life is anything but calm, something he takes in stride. Adam has been with FA from the beginning and loves being able to show support for Raena, who shows endless support for him. He's extremely excited for this year and can't wait to lead the group again for next year's event.

Jamie Bitz
Jamie Bitz is a senior at Washington High School and a two-year member of FA4FA. After living in New Mexico and Tucson, Arizona, she moved to South Dakota and accidentally discovered theater at the age of 12, though she's been dancing since she was 3, After choreographing 2 middle school show choirs for 2 years, she's excited to take on a large scale production like FA4FA and be able to help those she loves. This fall, she will be attending Claremont McKenna College in Southern California to study International Relations.
Luke Humke
Assistant Director
Luke Humke is a Sioux Falls native who's in his junior year at O'Gorman High School. He started both dance and theater at the early age of 4 and is thrilled to be in his second year of FA4FA. He was inspired to join because of Raena and wants to spread the message that although FA is a part of her, it does not define her, along with spreading awareness for finding a cure. Next year, he will join forces with Adam to lead the group.
Raena Brendtro
Our Fearless Inspiration
Raena Brendtro is a junior at Lincoln High School and was diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia at only 12 years old. She spends her days filled with the love of writing, The Beatles, acting, and her friends. She could easily take on any member of the leadership team and is probably stronger (and smarter) than all of them combined. She is filled with life, love, and hope, a beautiful soul inside and out.